Why Crested Geckos Make Good First Exotic Pets

If you're interested in caring for exotic reptile pets, a crested gecko might be the perfect choice for you. These lizards are easy to handle and tend to be quite resilient, making them a low-maintenance option. On top of that, they are incredibly cute, so you'll likely find yourself spending lots of time with your new pet.

One of the things that make crested geckos so adorable is their appearance. They come in a variety of bright colors and markings, such as orange, red, yellow, brown, and gray. Some have spots or stripes, while others have broken or tiger-like markings. They are also named for the crest that covers their eyes and looks like eyelashes. This crest is made of skin and extends along the side of their head, sometimes to the base of their tail.

Crested geckos are typically 6-10 inches long, which is a manageable size for handling. However, their tails can break off if they feel threatened. This is not a major issue, but it is something to be aware of.

Another charming feature of crested geckos is the little chirping sound they make. They use this noise to communicate socially, especially when they are excited or frightened. While it might sound like a high-pitched squeak to some people, it's not loud enough to be disturbing, even if you're not right next to the lizard.

It's important to note that crested geckos are nocturnal, so they may not be very active during the day. However, they will come out periodically, especially once they become accustomed to your presence. With time, your crested gecko may even chirp at you as a sign of affection. Overall, they are a wonderful choice for anyone looking to care for a low-maintenance, cute, and interesting pet.